Saturday, April 28, 2012

Christ-less Society

One of the main goals in two-kingdom theology, which is prominent in my area, seems to be the removal of Christ from culture. According to what I'm reading in Frame's book, this comes from Kline, who thought there was a religious culture and a secular culture whose lines neither could cross. This works out practically in the excitement those who have embraced this thought when they get very excited, ecstatic even, when Christian symbols and ideas are removed from the public sphere. Examples include the removal of prayer from schools (they are very anti-school prayer), removal of nativity scenes from public squares at Christmas, removal of Christian symbols from city seals. In all instances I have seen 2KTs very glad, with even an attitude that I hear more from my non-Christian friends.

In light of this, I suppose the following articles should bring great joy to those who still embrace the 'ideal" of a Christ-less culture:

Pushing Abortion Was Always a Main Goal of Obamacare

Sebelius Admits She’s Unaware of Top Religious Liberty Cases

Pro-Life Author and Champion Chuck Colson Dies

Yes, the death of someone like Chuck Colson would, at the very least, bring a sigh of relief to them. While I do not agree with everything Chuck Colson did after his conversion (I've yet to find anyone with whom I agree 100%, so it doesn't bother me) at least he did something. 2Ks seem to operate under a misguided de-emphasis on Christian living. We don't have to vote pro-life because of our faith, only as our conscience guides us. Um, what guides our conscience? Better not say your faith coz that will mean you believe in works righteousness.  I am aware that those still in 2K will not believe a word I accuse their theology of, I know, I just left it and I didn't believe what I am saying only last Fall. On this side of the 2KT Curtain, it all seems rather like a religion that requires nothing of me. As the pastor of our new church put it (though not in this context) if we were only born to watch a few good TV shows, have a few kids who watch a few good TV shows, then die, there's not much point to our creation.

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