Friday, February 24, 2012

The Beginning of the End

So, the subtitle of my blog is How I became a closet Calvinist in a Baptist Church. I think I'll post a little bit about the beginnings. Had I foreseen the consequences of these fateful decisions...I probably would have made them a whole lot sooner.

I suppose it started with the birth of our last child. In fact, I tell my friends and older children that perhaps that is why God did not open our eyes sooner, He was waiting until we had our last child so he could be baptized and I'd have one less thread of guilt. ;) At any rate, after our last child was born we made a concerted effort to get to all services at church. There was no problem at first. It was as I had left it before my pregnancy, and so was I. The attitude, the sarcasm, the feelings of superiority, the judgementalism.

Then it hit. What? Hell, that's what. There's no other way to describe what happened in my family but Hell. The first thing I did was call the pastor of our church. I believe I've mentioned that before. Fat lot of good that did. Nary a second of follow up. Not a call, not an email, nothing. Oh, there was a compassionate look the following Sunday, but beyond that nada. At first I returned to the teaching received at the first Reformed church we attended: The pastor is busy. Don't bother him with your personal problems. It would take almost 2 more years, and whole lot more Hell, before it finally dawned on me that in a church of around 50 professing adult members (less than that as regular attenders), the pastor ought to have at least time for a phone call to suffering members of his congregation.

TBC...coz I have housework to do and my teenager is shirking his chores...again. :D

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Church of the Poisoned Mind

I've decided that churches should come with warning labels; that way people would be able to tell, before even entering the door, whether or not they'd be welcome there. Take our last church, for instance, (really, take it, I beg you) could have a label that says, To God's infallible and inspired Word we add the doctrine of American Conservatism. If you are not conservative enough for us in politics and dress we will have you in for a chat with our elders. See, if they'd had that label somewhere on their website or the door to the entrance, we never would have bothered. Think of all the time we'd have saved.

Here's a label most Reformed churches in our area could all put on their door, "If doctrine is not more important to you than even Godly living, you will never belong here." Look, I love doctrine. I understand its importance. My favorite books are theological books. I read Ursinus' Commentary on the Heidelberg to my kids for fun and buy my kids Joel Beeke books on CD for Christmas.I LOVE theology. But in our area, head knowledge is King. Heart knowledge is considered relatively worthless.  I'll admit the last church we attended was much better on this, it's just that when they combined American Conservatism to their doctrine it became a nasty situation.  Apparently we weren't the first people to leave over it either.

I understand that we all add something to our Christianity. I teach my kids that it is pretty much the biggest problem all churches have. But I have come to the conclusion that if that added thing detracts from compassion and love for others, it's the spot where I must draw the line. Without compassion and love we become brash and judgmental. Having been at the receiving end of church leaders who felt it their duty to judge then thrash, I can see now why this over-emphasis on doctrine is bad. Christ said to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind.  He didn't say, Love God with your mind more than your heart. Or, it's more important to make sure you have your doctrine straight than it is to love God. It's all equally important.  I wonder, now, though, if he said "heart" first because he knew our nature. It is soooooo much easier to have "sound doctrine" than to show compassion. There is no risk in having your theology straight. Just ask the devil. He knows it all. Hasn't helped him one bit.